viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin [IV]

Artista: Led Zeppelin

Géneros: Hard Rock
Blues Rock, Folk Rock

Lanzamiento: November 8, 1971

A1 Black Dog 4:55
A2 Rock and Roll 3:40
A3 The Battle of Evermore 5:38
A4 Stairway to Heaven 7:55
B1 Misty Mountain Hop 4:39
B2 Four Sticks 4:49
B3 Going to California 3:36
B4 When the Levee Breaks 7:08

Radiohead - Kid A

Artista: Radiohead

Generos: Experimental Rock, Art Rock
Electronic, Ambient

Lanzamiento: October 03, 2000


1 Everything in Its Right Place 4:11
2 Kid A 4:44
3 The National Anthem 5:51
4 How to Disappear Completely 5:56
5 Treefingers 3:42
6 Optimistic 5:15
7 In Limbo 3:31
8 Idioteque 5:09
9 Morning Bell 4:35
10 Motion Picture Soundtrack
- Motion Picture Soundtrack 3:17
- [silence] 1:00
- [hidden track] 0:53
- [silence] 1:51



King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

Artista: King Crimson

Generos: Progressive Rock, Art Rock
Symphonic Prog, Free Improvisation, Psychedelic Rock

Lanzamiento: October 10, 1969


A1 21st Century Schizoid Man (Including 'Mirrors') 6:54
A2 I Talk to the Wind 6:04
A3 Epitaph (Including 'March for No Reason' and 'Tomorrow and Tomorrow') 8:25
B1 Moonchild (Including 'The Dream' and 'The Illusion') 12:03
B2 The Court of the Crimson King (Including 'The Return of the Fire Witch' and 'The Dance of the Puppets') 9:05

The Beatles - Revolver

Artista: The Beatles

Generos: Pop/Rock
Psychedelic Rock, Psychedelic Pop

Lanzamiento: August 05, 1966

A1 Taxman 2:41
A2 Eleanor Rigby 2:09
A3 I'm Only Sleeping 3:03
A4 Love You To 3:03
A5 Here, There and Everywhere 2:27
A6 Yellow Submarine 2:42
A7 She Said She Said 2:39
B1 Good Day Sunshine 2:11
B2 And Your Bird Can Sing 2:03
B3 For No One 2:03
B4 Doctor Robert 2:17
B5 I Want to Tell You 2:31
B6 Got to Get You Into My Life 2:32
B7 Tomorrow Never Knows 2:57

The Beatles - Abbey Road

Artista: The Beatles

Generos: Pop/Rock, Rock
Psychedelic Pop, Art Pop

Lanzamiento: September 26, 1969

A1 Come Together 4:16
A2 Something 2:59
A3 Maxwell's Silver Hammer 3:24
A4 Oh! Darling 3:28
A5 Octopus's Garden 2:49
A6 I Want You (She's So Heavy) 7:49
B1 Here Comes the Sun 3:04
B2 Because 2:45
B3 You Never Give Me Your Money 3:57
B4 Sun King 2:31
B5 Mean Mr. Mustard 1:06
B6 Polythene Pam 1:13
B7 She Came In Through the Bathroom Window 1:58
B8 Golden Slumbers 1:31
B9 Carry That Weight 1:37
B10 The End 2:04
B11 Her Majesty 0:23


Radiohead - OK Computer 1997

Artista: Radiohead

Generos:  Alternative Rock, Art Rock

Fecha de Lanzamiento: June 16, 1997


1 Airbag 4:44
2 Paranoid Android 6:23
3 Subterranean Homesick Alien 4:27
4 Exit Music (For a Film) 4:24
5 Let Down 4:59
6 Karma Police 4:21
7 Fitter Happier 1:57
8 Electioneering 3:50
9 Climbing Up the Walls 4:45
10 No Surprises 3:48
11 Lucky 4:19
12 The Tourist 5:24

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

Artista : Pink Floyd

Generos:  Progressive Rock, Art Rock

Lanzamiento: September 15, 1975


A1 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (1-5)    13:30
A2 Welcome to the Machine 7:26
B1 Have a Cigar 5:08
B2 Wish You Were Here 5:40
B3 Shine On You Crazy Diamond (6-9)    12:22


The Velvet Underground & Nico

Artista : The Velvet Underground

Generos: Art Rock, Experimental Rock
Proto-Punk, Noise Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Garage Rock

Lanzamiento: March 12, 1967

A1 Sunday Morning 2:53
A2 I'm Waiting for the Man 4:37
A3 Femme Fatale 2:35
A4 Venus in Furs 5:07
A5 Run Run Run 4:18
A6 All Tomorrow's Parties 5:55
B1 Heroin 7:05
B2 There She Goes Again 2:03
B3 I'll Be Your Mirror 2:01
B4 The Black Angel's Death Song 3:01
B5 European Son 7:40


Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon

Artista : Pink Floyd

Géneros : Art rock , rock progresive, Psychedelic Rock , Space Rock

Lanzamiento: March 24, 1973


A1 Speak to Me 1:13
A2 Breathe 2:46
A3 On the Run 3:34
A4 Time 7:04
A5 The Great Gig in the Sky 4:44
B1 Money 6:32
B2 Us and Them 7:40
B3 Any Colour You Like 3:25
B4 Brain Damage 3:50
B5 Eclipse 2:02